I'm afraid in a personal opinion only , but there are subtle personal ads of the leading companies in the burner 's advertising on the net I think sorry . There is a sensitivity of each person of course , there is a surface of motivation building to be purchased the goods to other party ad you'll see , but it will feel good enough stuff Shoboi-i feel not like leading anything . Advertising of personal computer sales of Epson also seems like Ahn ad somewhere , and I am not good enough impression also like NEC . DTP like amateur make in this by feel (for example, or think , or a use of color , font character may not match ) part juvenile cheap is a word flyer basis quasi- 2 flow basis than advertising of international companies I will think what I wonder if it for a feeling . I think things like that feel like first class is good . I like cool if there is a sense . Part of it can not be said unconditionally but is large because it depends on , such as sensitivity or customer of the author's intention and corporate culture as well. To advertise in the JPEG image quality really as SEGA -like I would feel very cheap . Feel not good enough does not really fall out without cleared .
I do not thing that can translate languages such as is entirely in Japanese translation site.
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