

エヴァ風タイトル文字 其の九 (Eva style character title)

採用試験に面接までいってもお祈りメールの封書が届いて落胆することの繰り返し。あれほど頑張ったのに。アレほど綺麗に書いた履歴書は写真はシュレッダー逝き。いつもがっかり。今の時代は就職難の真っ只中です。私は皆様が自分の希望する職種でかつ第一志望の企業に受かって欲しいと願うばかりです。祈 でも私は・・・。
Repetition of disappointment at reaching of letter of prayer mail as long as interview even is said to recruitment test. It worked hard so much. In the personal history written as beautifully as Allais, the photograph is shredder coming Usual disappointing.The age at the time of which it is today is in the middle of the job scarcity. Everybody just wishes that it wants the occupational category for which I hope and the enterprise of the first choice for you to pass me. Pray.

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