

エヴァ風タイトル文字 其の拾四( XIV its title character Eva wind )


To say restructuring and ( HR reconstruction ) is also a leading company in small and medium-sized , reduce labor costs in staff reductions , to encourage early retirement recommendation by hitting the shoulder of the person of the age of some degree . In this state all the time bubble later . There was worse (this is speculation without in the reference and academic papers , such as statistically , whether hit or less) a feeling , wonder if directly linked to issues such as stop hiring and mass layoffs of certain companies currently I think . Bonuses bonus even without the last minute in the management company before the labor negotiations with a lot rumble , no overtime , no extra insurance to non- regular and regular employees titular generations of our reality . Where is the future . I think I have no mind to meet MPs , who is sleeping , and footprints of the Liberal Democratic Party after 20 years eventually be positive evaluation , such as rave reviews in some policy aspects and conservative , light is not exposed on the surface of the negative I think to go to . It will going to leave even the impression was the era of good Hana Olympics , pensions economy to the point and public infrastructures deficit Bonds in the constant reduction also , abduction even though it is a toddler anything , my party is expected to support all of you steadily This is known to respond to , and try to brighten the future of Japan , but surely , realize did not springing in as listening to the story of the much-vaunted dream to me . From such as certain site like of course , I've heard and talk good LDP era , but not touch the negative shelved left almost , politics such as from a complex and difficult , and politics is such as not intended to move easily , after all people but I was a left behind . I want to forget quickly the three years nothing has changed after all even vote for election again . Allais disappointed about have me over expectations . It does not put any vote in the Democratic Party anymore .

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